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For Therapists and Life Coaches

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I work mostly with therapists and life coaches who are struggling to stay afloat in this time of heavy emotions. The murmur of their combined voices is growing louder, “The world is burning. What am I going to do? What do I tell the people who are asking me how to hold hope? What do you tell them when they ask if things will get better? I feel so much pressure all the time!”

I don’t tell them this will get better. It may not.

I don’t tell them that it’s not as bad as they think it is because I am not a subjective measuring stick of what is good and bad.

I don’t tell them that world isn’t burning because I, too, smell smoke and am feeling the heat.

So, what then?

I tell them my truths, because in me being truthful with me, they can trust me too.

I tell them that they are being called to LIVE, REALLY LIVE, the life their soul is called to.

I tell them to engage in self-care.

I tell them to nestle into relationships that bring them joy, playfulness, and deep connection.

I tell them to find those things in the world that matter to them like hobbies, work, volunteering, exercise, humor, play art, and music.

I tell them to both have compassion for, and discipline firmly but lovingly, their scared inner child self. This is not the time for inner children to have control.

And from these, I tell them that they will be modeling for clients, friends, and family, a way through this muck that has integrity, authenticity, and even joy.