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Angels In Disguise

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What if boundary crossers are angels sent to help you strengthen your boundary setting muscles?

Take A Front Row Seat To Your Walls Caving In

The barrage of messages waiting me when I returned from the pharmacy with antibiotics for strep, accompanied by double ear and sinus infections, made me want to cry.
“It seems like the world needs more from me when I am sick! Not just wanting more but pushing and pressuring, crossing my boundaries even.” I closed my eyes to the asks and fell quickly to sleep.
Later, I climbed into my favorite chair with hot soup and a warm blanket to peer through the beautiful floor to ceiling windows overlooking a mountain landscape draped in snow. My wise sage self took advantage of my quieting heart, asking, “So, why would everyone be pushing your boundaries now when you need rest the most?” This part of me has been in my heart for every laughter and every tear, and while she is kind, gentle, and oh, so loving, her words often challenge my thoughts and actions.
I nodded at her ask and whispered my answer aloud, as if to the pines, “I ask my clients that if this is happening FOR THEM instead of TO THEM, what are the possibilities in this?”
In that moment that I heard my own words to my ears, my perspective changed and I could see as many possibilities as there are stars in the night sky.
The possibilities to rest, relax, and meet only the needs of my body as it begged for attention by way of fever, sore throat, and exhaustion. 
The possibilities to say NO because it was right for me.
The possibilities to strengthen my boundaries when pressured, or walk away even.
The possibilities to say YES to sleep, conversations with good friends, home cooked food, and watching old movies because I said NO.
The possibilities to re-define some of my relationships and efforts.
What if boundary pushers are angels sent to help us to strengthen our boundary setting muscles?
What if our bodies conjure illness to, at last, get attention?
When it feels like the walls are caving in, consider taking a front row seat to enjoy the collapse. You will notice, then, that the sky has become your infinite ceiling, and from the rubble, you are free to choose the things you want to keep, onboard the lessons you need to learn, and let go of the rest.
Letting go makes way for pulling closer the things you want more of.
What if the things that you believe are happening to you are actually happening for you?
Do you feel like you’re in the perfect storm like I did today? Maybe the perfect storm is exactly on time.