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The Land, The Sea, And The Turtle

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The wings of angels may arrive you in forms you do not so easily recognize.

The LAND adapts with ease to the blowing winds and changing tides. In a storm, she is refuge for the creatures that call her home and, as such, she does not distinguish between religion, ethnicity, culture, age, species, or any other means of exclusivity. She generously gifts her transformed self as sand to the sea while she waits with trust for the return of the turtle to her shores.

The SEA is fluid, reflective, and resilient, changing course at the insistence of the sun and moon as they cross the sky and the wind across her surface. Her changing course makes way for the passing of a pod of whales and propels the turtle’s journey forward. The tiny grains of sand gifted to the sea by the land are woven together by the creatures that call her home and gifted back to the land as sea shells.

How often, the world delivers our gifts in packages we do not recognize, and it is with faith that we embrace them just the same.

The TURTLE is an integration of her playful child self and her wise, sage self, forever growing her shell to fit her expansions. She is an adventurer willed by nature to journey through the world. She is supported by the spirit of her ancestors to follow a course that was hers even before she was born. It is not the mind, nor even the heart, of the turtle that knows the way. It is the spirit of the turtle that guides her journey. The turtle will encounter difficulties; that is the nature of journeying.

But no matter.

The journey of the turtle is inherent and will not be stilled.

What is your spirit animal? What traits of your spirit animal do you want to more fully embrace or let go of? Just as the turtle has the land and the sea, what provides for your journey? What stirs inside of you that cannot be stilled? 

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